Reliable Insupacks

Under Deck Roof Insulation

Insulate your roof from inside &

Underdeck Roof Insulation

Underdeck insulation in metal or concrete slab roofs are recommended when there are space ownership constraints or short duration space conditioning is required. As this insulation is coming within the living space where a lot of electrical wiring and junction boxes may be there. These being fire hazard potential areas, only “Self Extinguishing” grade of Koolsheets may be used. These sheets have a chemical coating at individual bead level which produces Carbon Di Oxide (CO2) when burnt thus extinguishing the flame as soon as the flame source moves
The Koolsheets need to adhere to the roof under deck which need to be reinforced by thermal bridge fasteners in case of reinforced concrete slab roofs.
As the thermal resistance of any insulation is calculated as (Thickness / Thermal conductivity) it is a misnomer to call Plastic foam sheets of 4-6 mm (black) as “Thermal Insulation” since such thin sheets can only prevent roofing sheets from being hot to touch and cannot provide any real insulation as actually in all such sheets it is the air inside closed cells which provide the insulation and with so little air gap there can be no insulation.

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