ICF for Green and Sustainable Buildings
Visuals Of a Wisconsin(Usa) Building Which Withstood a F3 Tornado With Hardly a Scratch While Its Neighbour Made Of CMU Blocks Was a Total Loss
The Video Below Explains/
The Unique Features And Benefits Of Reliable ICF
Fully Insulated Building With Zero Thermal Bridges & Minimum Air Leaks

Fully Insulated Building With Zero Thermal Bridges & Minimum Air Leaks
Earthquake & Hurricane Proof ICF Buildings

Earthquake & Hurricane Proof ICF Buildings

In 2014, a massive natural gas explosion ripped through a quiet neighborhood in East Harlem, New York City. The blast leveled two apartment buildings, killed eight people and injured at least 70 others. The force of the explosion shattered windows blocks away.
Through it all, the four-story ICF building adjacent to the explosion stood strong. There was no structural damage at all. The engineer’s report states the blast was located “inches, not feet†from the ICF walls, yet the building was in remarkably good shape.
This strength of ICF building once again derives from the 3D structural strength as explained in previous paragraph. Beside that the shock absorbing properties of the EPS layer along with its “Self Extinguishing†property combined with the fiber glass reinforced polymerized plaster on top, delays its burning.
Super Quiet & Clean ICF Buildings
Successfully completed projects