We all know that humans have ill-treated our planet. Well, perhaps that is an understatement. We have destroyed the habitats of many of our animal brethren by decimating vast tracts of forests. Effectively bringing destruction to life as our forefathers knew it. One might argue that this indiscriminate usage of natural resources is what has brought us technological advancements. Now that we are aware and apologetic for our actions, these technological advancements can help us, humans, help in conserving what is left of wildlife and other natural non-renewable resources. But are we doing all that we can?

One of the catastrophes we have brought on this planet is air pollution. And the primary cause of air pollution in India is the burning of fossil fuels. One might think that the largest consumer of fossil fuels would be the transportation sector. Did not the odd-even ruling for cars and the limiting of entry for commercial trucks into Delhi-NCR to certain hours of the day help with the smog situation and air quality this winter?
It may shock you to know that fossil fuels consumed by our nation in generating electricity constitute the highest portion. That is when only 80-85% of our countrymen and women have access to electricity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_in_India.
Our dependence on fossil fuels is not going to go away anytime soon either! Only half of India’s energy needs shall be met by electricity from renewable resources as projected. (https://www.outlookindia.com/newsscroll/renewable-energy-will-reach-49-percent-in-india-by-2040-report/1078399). This, despite our great nation, being the 7th largest producer of hydro and solar power and ranking 2nd globally in terms of investments for renewable sources of energy!
Firstly, the burning of coal, the primary fuel for our thermal power plants, is inefficient. Then the distribution losses in India are in the range of 20%. Hence, there is a loss of 1 unit for 4units consumed. The building segment consumes almost 40% of all power generated. Thermally insulating the buildings can save 30-90 % of the energy consumed in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning(HVAC) the buildings. Thus just by implementing such passive measures like Thermal Insulation, the builder or owner can contribute to the national cause besides adding to the comfort and well-being of the residents. The payback time for such an insulation application being less than 2years, it does not affect the habitat owner’s finances.
Thus well-being of future generations, our nation, and the world is taken care of at zero net cost.
Learn more about our insulation products by clicking on this link.